September 25, 2020
Our studios across the globe are starting to re-open, and we’re welcoming our members back and those new to UN1T with socially distant high-fives. With our doors now open again around the globe, it’s important that our members approach their training strategically, focussing on technique and form.
This week, we have head trainer and coach, Gary Williams, sharing a bit more on what to expect in the studio, how coaches will be supporting members and tips to get back those gains.
How should members approach their training programme when returning to UN1T?
Gary: We’ve gone back to our 12-week strength and conditioning programme, and have opened all of our studios with a hypertrophy phase, which means our members can ease themselves back in with lighter weights and remind themselves of their motor patterns before increasing the weight after four weeks, when we move into the strength phase.
After a prolonged period away from lifting heavy, it is so important that everyone gives themselves a period to get their bodies used to doing the things they were carrying out five or six months ago, before trying to test themselves again. A majority of people were limited to either lightweight or bodyweight exercises during the lockdown, and while it’s great so many people kept themselves active with UN1T TV, it’s important people take a sensible approach when getting back into their studios.
The coaches are always there to help with form and technique – will this change?
Gary: Absolutely not. Our coaches are here to make sure that members are being challenged, but in a safe environment. As always, they will be there to correct form and technique, making sure that the weight members are lifting is appropriate for the number of reps and sets. But with the current global situation, now they also need to ensure that members are adhering to social distance guidelines, which is why they will be working in a designated area with adequate distance from their fellow members, and also cleaning equipment properly after use.
Any tips for members on what weight they should aim for when returning to a strength class?
Gary: First and foremost, I’d suggest signing up for the One Rep Max test. This is a strength test of the five major lifts that members will undertake in UN1T’s strength classes: Olympic deadlift, Olympic squat, bench press, supported row and shoulder press. With the results, we then calculate the weight that members should be lifting for the different phases of our training. This gives members the chance to lift a weight that is not only correct for them, but is scientifically proven to get results.
Remember to take your first few sessions that little bit easier than you would have before lockdown, especially when it comes to weight training. The body will pretty quickly get back to where it was, with the correct training stimulus, but the last thing anyone wants is to get injured and delay their studio come back any more than they have already. Also, it’s incredibly important to adhere to the social distancing guidelines, follow the rules set out in class and look after your fellow members when in the studio.
Whether you’re planning to return soon or have been back training as one for the past few weeks, remember to enjoy your training again. So many people haven’t had the opportunity to train how they would have liked to for a long period, so remember the reasons why you train and get back to it!
Start training with us today, and understand how we can help you build strength, muscular endurance and mobility.